PPP 391 | How Ambitious Managers Make the Jump to Leadership, with Adam Bryant

Total Duration 43:41

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Do You Really Want to Lead?

Making the leap to leadership can be one of the most rewarding--and challenging--moves we can make. And I’m excited in this episode to bring you what I think is the best guide I’ve come across to date on how to make that jump. Adam Bryant joins us to talk about his new book The Leap to Leader: How Ambitious Managers Make the Jump to Leadership.

In this episode, you’ll learn the first question you should be asking about leadership--and why it’s important. Adam shares a practical tool he calls a Leadership User Manual--I’m telling you, you’re going to want to create one of these after listening to this. He discusses why a career pyramid might be a better metaphor than a ladder. Along the way, you’ll hear why you should learn to merge into traffic and go play in the traffic! And why some of the most valuable leadership lessons are playing out before your eyes every day. It’s a conversation I can’t wait to share with you.

Learn more about Adam and his book at AdamBryantBooks.com/the-leap-to-leader/.

For more episodes related to this topic, check out:

  • Episode 360, with Janet Polach about her book The Seven Mistakes New Managers Make.
  • Episode 307, with Ron Carucci about his book Rising to Power, and
  • Episode 261, with David Epstein about his book Range.

No Freaking Idea!

Do you know someone who is in college or maybe recently graduated?

My experience is there are a growing number of people who dread being asked the question, “So, what’s the plan?” When it comes to their career, they have no freaking idea!

I bring this up because we’re rolling out a new course entitled just that: No Freaking Idea: How to Navigate Career Uncertaity. It’s a career guide for people who don’t know what they want to do, and it has been so fun to hear the feedback on the course.

Whether it’s you who is wondering about next steps in your career or a son or daughter and you'd like to give them this as a gift, learn more by going to NoFreakingIdea.courses. Thanks!

Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

Talent Triangle: Power Skills


The following music was used for this episode:

Music: Imagefilm 034 by Sascha Ende
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/2935-imagefilm-034
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

Music: Another Good Day by chilledmusic
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/8397-another-good-day
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

PDU Categories: Power Skills

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