PPP 059 | How the Brain Science of Attention Changes Everything, with Cathy Davidson (Part 1)

Episode Duration 16:52

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So let me guess.... While you're listening to this cast right now, I'm guessing you're also doing something else as well, right? Maybe driving a car or checking e-mail or working out. Or perhaps you're checking out what's going on with your Facebook friends. Hey, if you're doing that, look up The People and Projects Podcast on Facebook and Like us!

Oops. Sorry. I got a bit distracted there for a moment!

Anyway, there are seemingly an endless number of stimuli that are vying for your attention right now. Which do you focus on? Why? There are many great minds that are putting a lot of effort into these questions for it could reasonably be argued that time is not the scarcest resource any more: it's attention.

As we strive to focus in a world clamoring for our attention, I wanted to share one of my favorite books that is just coming out this week. It's entitled Now You See It: How the Brain Science of Attention Will Transform the Way We Live, Work, and Learn, by Cathy N. Davidson. I had the opportunity to talk with Cathy earlier this month and look forward to sharing that discussion over the course of two episodes.

You can learn more about Cathy and read her blog by visiting http://www.cathydavidson.com/.

Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

PDU Categories: Power Skills