PPP 048 | Get Free PDUs for Listening to the People and Projects Podcast

Episode Duration 2:12

Download episode 48

If you're a PMP, you know that getting your 60 PDU's every three years is a requirement.
Now it's actually not that difficult to get your 60, especially if you don't wait until the last month to get them!

Did you know that you can rack up free PDU's just listening to The People and Projects Podcast? And the great news is that PMI has made it even easier to get those by learning through podcasts.

Make your life easier and save some money. Earn free PDU's while you listen to each episode of The People and Projects Podcast. Follow this link to find out exactly how to claim your PDUs for this podcast:


NOTE: The PDU rules have changed since this episode was first released. Make sure to get all the updated information you need at https://PeopleAndProjectsPodcast.com/FreePDUs

There are countless ways to get your required PDU's. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for joining us for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!